We can do more together than we ever could apart.
Confluence is a family of local churches working together.

Jesus never meant for us to fulfill the Great Commission alone.
Leading or planting a church in the West is as hard as ever. With a polarized culture, spiritual apathy and a global pandemic, leaders often feel overwhelmed and overcommitted.
But it doesn’t have to be that way.

We believe we can do more together than we can apart.
Confluence is a family of churches together on mission. We work to strengthen existing churches, plant healthy churches, equip leaders, and partner with our global family. Discover Our Values.
For more information about joining Confluence, schedule a call with one of our leaders.
What Leaders Are Saying
“Trying to plant a church on our own was discouraging and lonely. But the brotherhood I’ve experienced in Confluence has made a world of difference.”
— NYC Church Planter
“Trying to engage our local church on global mission seemed impossible on our own. But being part of a family like this has opened us up to join God in global mission.”
— Confluence Pastor
Stories From Churches
God is at work in a powerful way in our local churches. Read below to discover some of the things we are celebrating.