Disciples - C25

Main Session and Seminar Content

Video recordings from the main sessions and audio recordings from the seminars at C25 are posting on the Confluence Media & Teaching page. The post containing content from all 12 recordings is linked below.

5 Major Emphasizes

We believe that God is calling us into so much more as a family of churches. Over the coming years, we believe He has laid forth 5 specific areas that we want to dedicate our time, attention, and resources to.

1. Lead based on what God says and not what we see

2. Remember that we can do more together than we can apart

3. Increase our focus on the Spanish speaking world

4. The breech in the wall is young men

5. Prepare our sails for a fresh wind of His spirit

Downloadable Video Elements

There were several elements we shared at the conference that we wanted to make available to you in case you found it helpful to share with your team and/or congregations. We felt these elements really help put on display who we are and what we are a part of in Confluence. They are Rhys Scott’s charge to us shared on Thursday, the Newfrontiers Global played video during our prayer meeting, and a shortened version of the Global video that has been shared in other contexts. You should be able to click on each link to access and download any of these videos.

Discipleship Resources

Over the past year, several people have devoted themselves to developing resources to help our churches disciple their people more effectively. Whether someone has just decided to follow Jesus, or they want to plant a church, we have resources available to help.

“The Path” is a long form discipleship tool designed to help you walk through the basic elements of the Christian faith with Christians of any maturity level. You can find this resource available on our website, linked below.

An extensive training series on Church Planting has also been put together. To begin exploring this process, please apply using our “Church Planting Residency” page.

Along with these tools, we have also put together resources to help develop leaders in your church entitled “Leadership Track.” To help gain a better understanding of how to implement this in your church, please reach to Rick Hein at heinsight@gmail.com.

Guest Speakers

About Donnie Griggs:
Donnie Griggs was born and raised in a small town called Morehead City, in coastal North Carolina, where he planted One Harbor Church. Donnie’s passion is to see churches in small towns and rural areas equipped and empowered to radically engage the culture and make disciples. Because of this passion, in addition to leading One Harbor Church, Donnie also travels frequently in the United States and internationally to help strengthen and encourage other church leaders and planters. He is the author of Small Town Jesus, and he also serves on the leadership team of the Advance Movement of churches. For more information on Donnie, his church, and his book, visit smalltownjesus.com.

About Joshua Ryan Butler:
Joshua Ryan Butler is a Teaching Pastor with the Willamette family of churches in the Portland area and the author of The Party Crasher, Beautiful Union, The Skeletons in God’s Closet, and The Pursuing God. Josh loves shifting paradigms, to help people who wrestle with tough topics of the Christian faith by confronting popular caricatures and replacing them with the beauty and power of the real thing. He and his wife, Holly, along with their three children, live in Portland, Oregon. They enjoy spending time with friends over great meals and exploring the scenic beauty of the Pacific Northwest.

2024 Annual Report

English Version

Versión en Español