How City Church Boston Makes an Impact
City Church Boston Participated in the Boston Pray: Seeking Unity and Justice event in June
Like all ministries, City Church Boston has had to adapt, innovate and improvise in order to overcome challenges presented by the COVID pandemic. This hasn’t stopped them from being a life force in the community and connecting in a meaningful way. In the past year, they’ve been able to circumvent the limitations set before them to engage and show love to members and strangers.
Within the first few months of COVID, City Church Boston mobilized in order to provide food donations and volunteers for local food distribution sites. One of those sites, sister church Potter’s House in Providence, received 160 boxes of produce from City Church. Volunteers also spent time making calls to local seniors who were shut in at assisted living facilities. City Church provided support to church members serving Syrian refugees affected by COVID in Turkey.
Race and Reconciliation
The launching of the Community Group series called “Journey Toward Racial Righteousness” was started at City Church Boston as a way to engage in the national conversation about racism and the tragic deaths of people of color. Community Groups took on the topic for two semesters. Corporately, the church also participated in the city-wide prayer event, “Boston Pray.”
Outdoor Ministry
COVID restrictions in Boston made meant holding in-person services indoors was not an option. In the fall, church services were held in a local city park, which allowed opportunities for connections with neighbors and evangelism in Allston.