Confluence Midwest Leader & Family Conference
Together is an event for any leader and their family in a Confluence Midwest Church. It will be a time of teaching, worship, prayer ministry, recreation, and vision for our future together as a wider family of churches. The teaching will address strengthening our families as well as our churches. We can do more together than apart!
June 12-14, 2025
University of Central Missouri Campus
116 W South St, Warrensburg, MO 64093
Lodger rates include lodging, five meals, and registration. The commuter price includes five meals and registration. There is a maximum of four people, including children, per room. Save 10% when you register by April 22 (adult pricing only).
Cancellations will be refunded through June 8 minus a $15 admin fee.
No housing is guaranteed on campus after May 12. For more information, contact us at: events@confluencechurches.org or 314.832.9042. See the pricing below for rates.
Early Bird pricing available until April 22: